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Aug 13 (Sunday) Remained all morning for swimming then went to [[underlined]] Chateau Beaux Arts [[/underlined]] now a club for lunch. Strong westerly breeze. our boat dancing and pitching at anchor.
Afternoon [[underlined]] cross Sound [[/underlined]] against very strong westerly breeze. Big waves, violent pitching all thru our oilskins on, boat behaves splendidly. Nothing happens except breaking some [[underlined]] loose chinaware [[/underlined]] in galley. I am much pleased with behavior of [[underlined]] Cygnet [[/underlined]] - so is my captain.
Towards evening slipped in mouth of [[underlined]] Muarries River [[/underlined]] at [[underlined]] Riverside [[/underlined]] Yacht Club near [[underlined]] Caes Cob [[/underlined]] Excellent shelter, pretty
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surroundings. Excellent Club steward is a [[underlined]] Swiss, [[/underlined]] very friendly. Two excellent [[underlined]] lobsters caught [[/underlined]] in Sound. Cold clear bright night, brilliant moonlight.
Aug 14. Well rested, cool morning very pleasant! lifted anchor after lunch. Visited several shelter and harbor's along shore [[underlined]] Greenwich, [[/underlined]] charming surroundings beautiful country houses. [[underlined]] Never knew Sound is so beautiful. Greenwich [[/underlined]] must be entered with caution. Then Harbor of [[underlined]] Larelmont [[/underlined]] Yacht Club, [[underlined]] rather exposed [[/underlined]] to Eastern winds. Cruised around slowly among dense fleet of boats anchored at [[underlined]] New Rochelle [[/underlined]] Yacht Club. Would be excellent but for fact that boat to Sea Cliff lands near by. and