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came to fetch us to the country Club with his motor car. His children show marked family resemblance to those of [[red underlined]] Hendrick. [[/red underlined]] Lunch at Country Club. - hot but dry weather then motored up to summer [[red underlined]] house of Terry, [[/red underlined]] and old homestead of [[red underlined]] Hendrick. [[/red underlined]] At night took at boat when it is nice and cool. A telegram from [[red underlined]] Townsend [[/red underlined]] telling he arrives tomorrow.
Aug. 20 (Sunday) Up early, took in gasoline and ice at Club [[red underlined]] Townsend [[/red underlined]] and his son [[red underlined]] Blake [[/red underlined]] arrive about 8. A M, then also [[red underlined]] Brickenstein [[/red underlined]] - [[strikethrough]] [[I--?]] [[/strikethrough]] his partner who came expressly from Washington to confer with him about [[strikethrough]] business matters[[/strikethrough]] business matters. He left us about 
9 A.M, when we departed. [[strikethrough]] My[[/strikethrough]]
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[[red underlined]] New Champlain Barge Canal now open entirely. [[/red underlined]] Splendid piece of engineering. Wide locks well built electrically operated [[red underlined]] Upper Hudson now made navigable - [[/red underlined]] the beautiful river further accessible to Yachtsmen. [[red underlined]] Lock Operators [[/red underlined]] no longer ignorant political appointees but [[red underlined]] well trained intelligent men - with civil service [[/red underlined]] examinations. Some locks only operate on the even hour so as to avoid losing too much water. Went in first lock at 11 A.M. Young [[red underlined]] Blake Townsend [[/red underlined]] a very useful boy on board At 6 P.M. went thru Northumberland lock and anchored in [[red underlined]] Hudson River [[/red underlined]] just beyond the bridge. Has been very hot day so everybody swam for awhile before supper. Splendid quiet and cool night. In the darkness of the nights the eclipsing buoy lights, [[strikethrough]] light [[/strikethrough]] white and red 

Transcription Notes:
Instructions say to use the word 'underlined' in brackets when words are underlined in text. Seems appropriate because indicates past tense.