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[[vertical annotation in left margin written in red]]
1st Florida Cruise [[/vertical annotation]]
in [[strikethrough]] raw [[/strikethrough]] frame houses. [[strikethrough]] Then [[/strikethrough]] A [[underlined in red]] U.S. Light house [[/underlined in red]] station, clean and prim [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] situated on the cut. A man salutes us. This would be a good place for tying up at night.
Later on [[underlined in red]] North River [[/underlined in red]] a widening bay, very crooked. All this country marshy, wild woods and uninhabited Undoubdetly a great resort for hunters and fishermen, Then in the wider part of [[underlined in red]] Albermarle Sound [[/underlined in red]] we struck a sea abeam which kept us rolling [[strikethrough]] b [[/strikethrough]] while we were steering by compass to the next [[underlined in red]] Lighthouse. [[/underlined in red]] As the sky was bright we tried to make [[underlined in red]] Roanoke Marshes [[/underlined in red]] Light by running [[strikethrough]] at mo [[/strikethrough]] after dark but towards 7:30 P.M something happened with ignition and we were
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compelled to seek a lee-shore and anchor over night near shore of [[underlined in red]] Roanoke Island. [[/underlined in red]] [[strikethrough]] I presume it is simply so [[/strikethrough]] We were rather frightened at the violent knocking of the engine and at first imagined some piston rod or bearing in engine had given away, but after awhile we found that by running slowly we could get along far enough to anchor not to far from shore. This is a [[underlined in red]] rather poor shelter [[/underlined in red]] but the sky is bright and stars are out and we hope we may be left undisturbed till day break. As far as we can make out our bearings this is near Weir point of Roanoke Island.
Oct. 22 Quite some rolling during night 
I got up at about 2 P.M and started readying charts and pilot guide At 4 P.M made enough noise to awaken Johnson so we got the engine going and in the dark made for

Transcription Notes:
Instructions say to use the word 'underlined' in brackets when words are underlined in text. Seems appropriate because indicates past tense.