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1 Florida [[/vertical annotation]]
in the marshes with [[red underline]] Swanboro's light within a mile. [[/red underline]] Johnson took rowboat to inquire whether any fisherman can guide us out to morrow and incidentally I suppose to see the town while I am writing these notes. After a while he came back and reported town [[red underline]] has not even a single restaurant [[/red underline]] where he could get a meal.
[[strikethrough]] Went to sleep early so [[/strikethrough]] A local fisherman will fetch us thru to [[red underline]] Bear Inlet [[/red underline]] to morrow early. Says [[red underline]] Bogue Inlet [[/red underline]] is bad.
Went to sleep early to get up in time for days run.
Oct 25. I got up at 4 A.M. at daybreak we were still waiting for our pilot. As it was already 6 AM and
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we had to start if we wanted to run into [[red underline]] Southport [[/red underline]] before dark, we left hoping to find way to [[red underline]] Bear Inlet [[/red underline]] or get out at [[red underline]] Bogue Inlet. [[/red underline]] So we went to [[red underline]] Life saving station to get information. [[/red underline]] 
An excellent anchorage there or can tie up boats to small wharf. Men of [[red underline]] Life saving crew all very friendly. [[/red underline]] Showed me their equipment all kept in splendid order everything clean as a whistle and well kept.
I suppose they have practically nothing to do except drilling as there are few vessels passing there and very rarely need help. They keep [[red underline]] special lookout for yachts in distress. Told Bogue Inlet rather bad [[/red underline]] at this time, but [[red underline]] Bear Inlet better. [[/red underline]] A fisherman with his motorboat [[red underline]] piloted us to Bear Inlet for five Dollars [[/red underline]] and the way it was a short