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and pleasant run, and he showed us [[underlined in red]] excellent anchorage behind the pine covered dunes [[/underlined in red]] just East of Bear Inlet. [[strikethrough]] Now that [[/undelrined]] the channel is very tortuous and practically impossible to follow by a stranger without a chart. The written explanation alone of the [[underlined in red]] Pilot Guide are entirely insufficient. [[/underlined in red]] Now that I have seen two inlets with their narrow channel and big breakers on both sides I have a better idea how difficult it must be for strangers, specially in stormy weather to make these inlets.
Nicely sheltered this gave [[underlined in red]] us a day's rest. [[/underlined in red]] Our pilot made me a present [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] of five excellent birds which he had shot, - some kind of partridges, and this
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gave us an excellent dinner after the simple fare on which we had been living. [[underlined in red]] Game laws seem to be little observed by these men on [[/underlined in red]] these out of the way corners. They tell me there is abundant fishing here.
The water is lovely - a clear and white sandy beach. - [[strikethrough]] Thes [[/strikethrough]] I simply stepped out all my clothes and went swimming then kept playing on the beach and the woods, half naked only covered by my underwear. No bathing suits needed here. A superb sunset. Shall we get good weather to morrow to make our run outside?
In the mean time early to bed at 7 P.M to get up before daybreak. Beautiful starry night and everything restful and quiet.
At 9 P.M got awakened by