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as Northern is blowing as much and more than yesterday. On coming ashore I find that [[red underline]] Wilrose II [[/red underline]] of Jacksonville, [[red underline]] owner Robert R. 
Meyerͯ [[/red underline]] (Captain Miller)
[[vertical annotation in left margin]] 
ͯ[[strikethrough]] Hotel Ermitage [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Hotel Hermitage]] Nashville Ten 
[[/vertical annotation]]
in making a wrong landing bumped into our starboard side while we were laying at the warf and damaged the mahogany gunwale on starboard, punching in the eye-holder of our board-stairs and perhaps strained our ribs. Captain told [[red underline]] me to send bill to owner. [[/red underline]]
My [[red underline]] knee [[/red underline]] which I hurt in that storm of last Monday [[red underline]] hurts considerably and makes walking difficult [[/red underline]]
At 1 P.M left [[red underline]] Georgetown [[/red underline]] bound for Inland Route to [[red underline]] Charleston. [[/red underline]] It blows violently in the river. What must it be outside! - We enter straight canal good depth easy steering, then [[red underline]] Minim Creek [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] South Santee River [[/red underline]] all
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thru flat swampy land. Note [[red underline]] wild birds, ducks [[/red underline]] etc. Water is deep orange on account of floating red soil suspended, which contrast much with green of marshes. then we enter a little winding River called [[red underline]] Pleasant river [[/red underline]] scarcely wide enough for a boat to pass then finally a monotonous stretch between the interminable windings of [[red underline]] Alligator Creek, [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] where [[/strikethrough]] at the
mouth of which we anchored towards evening. It blows fearfully outside, cloudy stormy sky. 
Not a living soul near by, all this an entirely uninhabited country. To bed at 7 P.M.
Oct 29, 1916 (Sunday) A very restful sleep.- Up at 6 AM and regular breakfeast with Eggs and Bacon. Left shortly after 7. Beautiful sunny weather but still a strong Northern blowing. Our route heads [[strikethrough]] thru [[/strikethrough]] first through a short stretch of