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feelings of the people. [[underlined in red]] They know [[/underlined]] that that day even the most arrogant politicians are on [[underlined in red]] their knees before the voter. [[/underlined in red]] How would [[underlined in red]] Kaiser William or  Emperor Joseph [[/underlined in red]] feel if every four years they had to submit to the good will of every voter of their nation. How would their arrogant ministers feel? 
Kept on dictating most of day to get thru my belated correspondence. 
Evening accompanied [[underlined in red]] George [[/underlined in red]] to N.Y in automobile with [[underlined in red]] Celine. Hughes [[/underlined in red]] seems to be elected by substantial majority altho' [[underlined in red]] Wilson [[/underlined in red]] still [[strikethrough]] hopes [[/strikethrough]] seems to hope the impossible! Noisy crowds like usually but good natured and well behaved.
[[underlined in black]] Nov. 8. [[/underlined in black]] Went to N.Y for our
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
directors meeting. - [[underlined in red]] There seems to be some doubt about the [[underlined in red]] election - in fact [[underlined in red]] latest returns [[/underlined in red]] seem to indicate election of [[underlined in red]] Wilson. - [[/underlined in red]] After all it does not matter much who is elected [[underlined in red]] both men are good men altho' I was very much disappointed in the way Hughes conducted his campaign, using the same arguments and tactics as ordinary politicians. - I expected better from Hughes. If Hughes is elected I cannot imagine that he will abide by the commands [[/underlined in red]] of his party. The so called political parties of the U.S. do not yet seem to realize that [[underlined in red]] the time for obtaining a [[strikethrough]] pra [[/strikethrough]] president who would merely obey orders of his party, is passed. [[/underlined in red]] Passed [[underlined in red]] since Roosevelt. [[/underlined in red]] The first [[underlined in red]] insurgent was Cleveland.  I foresee that if Hughes is elected he will [[/underlined in red]]

Transcription Notes:
Not sure it is necessary to add the word 'red' when identifying underlined words. I don't think the purpose is to replicate the document if lost, so the word 'red' used here doesn't make sense to me. Thoughts? I believe that the color of the underlines indicates the words Dr. Baekeland thought were important while originally writing the diary (black underlines) and the entries he later thought important while re-reading his diaries later in life (red underlines)