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England or Germany except what they had told me. That the whole situation just now was in such a [[red underline]] complicated muddle that I [[/red underline]] could do nothing except wait. That I [[red underline]] personally would like very much to see them adopt name Bakelite [[/red underline]] and leave it to future circumstances how later on we could cooperate.
[[red underline]] Both men made very good impression to me entirely different from impression I got from their former representative Raikes. [[/red underline]] 
Drove back to fetch Celine and take her to a rather wishy-washy play Pollyanna. [[strikethrough]] Dur [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Hughes the unsuccessful candidate for presidency was in a box and after the first act bowed to renewed applause [[/red underline]] of audience. [[red underline]] Everything was done [[/red underline]]
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[[red underline]] in a good natured simple [[/red underline]] manner, and the whole thing [[red underline]] impressed me once more of the simple democratic customs of this country notwithstanding the fact that some trickers argue that we are no democracy. [[/red underline]]
Nov 12 (Sunday) here arrange for my trip to [[red underline]] Boston and Detroit. [[/red underline]] 
Remained home all day with Celine.
Nov 13. Away early to see [[red underline]] Mali [[/red underline]] consul of Belgium to explain him [[strikethrough]] my efforts to remove [[/strikethrough]] ^[[how]] General Bakelite Co. [[strikethrough]] [[f---?]] [[/strikethrough]] is being deprived [[red underline]] unjustly [[/red underline]] of Cresol by [[red underline]] British Government [[/red underline]] under the delusion that my company is controlled by [[red underline]] Roessler - Hasslacher. Mali [[/red underline]] gave me letter of introduction to [[red underline]] Consul general [[/red underline]] of Great Britain - Bailey is his name. Furthermore he went [[red underline]] with me to his offices [[/red underline]] which were very much crowded. Bailey was not there but [[red underline]] Mali [[/red underline]] explained my case to [[strikethrough]] co [[/strikethrough]] vice-consul  Noteworthy