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Latest cell room [[red underline]] specially imposing. [[/red underline]] Spent all day with [[red underline]] A. H. Hooker [[/red underline]] going systematically over pending matters and inspecting plant. Chlorbenzol manufacture has reached large proportions. Using now about [[strikethrough]] / [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] 15000 [[/red underline]] h.p. [[strikethrough]] produ [[/strikethrough]] general output increased about [[red underline]] 40%. [[/red underline]] Am [[red underline]] rather alarmed at large amount of muriatic acid unsold and stored up. Will notify office. [[/red underline]] 
Nov. 20. Arrived in Yonkers for breakfeast
Went to [[red underline]] Hasslacher's [[/red underline]] house to tell him of necessity of General [[red underline]] Bakelite having separate offices [[/red underline]] from R & H. [[red underline]] He agrees with [[/red underline]] me. To morrow we shall have a [[red underline]] meeting on this subject. [[/red underline]] 
2 P.M. [[red underline]] Navy yard Brooklyn [[/red underline]] meeting of Sub-Committee on [[red underline]] Naval Laboratory. Edison there [[/red underline]] will not listen to anything but [[red underline]] Sandy Hook, which to us [[/red underline]]
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[[vertical annotation in left margin written in red]]
Naval Laboratory X [[/vertical annotation]]
[[red underline]] all seems absurd choice. Even the [[strikethrough]] men of [[/strikethrough]] officers of Brooklyn Navy Yard altho' they all prefer locality near New York, particularly Fort Hamilton, they all admit Sandy Hook poor choice. Sprague [[/red underline]] and I made speech in favor of [[red underline]] Annapolis [[/red underline]] all others seem to favor [[strikethrough]] Was [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Annapolis. [[/red underline]] I say [[red underline]] I shall not make up my mind before visiting Washington altho' just now Annapolis appeals most to me. [[/red underline]] I told [[red underline]] Edison [[/red underline]] that in as far as we had visited all the sites it [[red underline]] is his duty to go to Washington and Annapolis. [[/red underline]] But he is [[red underline]] so stubborn. [[/red underline]] He tells me that my laboratory as I see it is a laboratory too much along conventional lines. [[red underline]] I tell him that his lab as he sees it [[strikethrough]] would [[/strikethrough]] might suit him but he would find few people [[strikethrough]] to g [[/strikethrough]] who would [[strikethrough]] rens [[/strikethrough]] feel happy to work under [[/red underline]]