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him and proposes [[red underlined]] Schleussner [[/red underlined]] and [[red underlined]] Hamman [[/red underlined]] [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] [[red underlined]] while he and Mausolff want to resign because they are German [[/red underlined]] born.
[[red underlined]] Hammon [[/red underlined]] tells me he believes [[red underlined]] Cresol [[/red underlined]] will be found for supplying us. Has just [[strikethrough]] pur [[/strikethrough]] located 1200 gallons more but price is going up.
Formaldehyde has gone up to. Heavy snow fall. [[strikethrough]] Cars [[/strikethrough]] difficult traveling. Arrived home towards 5 P.M. Feel very tired. [[red underlined]] Nina [[/red underlined]] came home on a visit [[red underlined]] from Vassar. [[/red underlined]]
[[black underlined]] Dec 16. [[/black underlined]] Expedited most of my belated mail. This afternoon I made some calculations which allow me to guess as to financial results of the year.
It seems now as if [[strikethrough]] we shoul [[/strikethrough]] our sales would reach [[red underlined]] $900,000. [[/red underlined]] by end of year.
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I calculate that gross profits will be [[red underlined]] $490,000, [[/red underlined]] from this deduct probable amount of [[red underlined]] office and overhead expense $ 50,000, [[/red underlined]] would leave [[red underlined]] $440,000: [[/red underlined]] which would allow us to declare an [[red underlined]] extra 25% dividend [[/red underlined]] which in addition to 6% + 7% = 13% would mean total dividend of 38% or better 40% which would amount to $320,000 and leave more than [[red underlined]] 
$100,000 in reserve. [[/red underlined]]
Dec. 17. (Sunday). Home all day. Landscape white with snow. Busy all morning reading my former testimony in [[red underlined]] Nikolas [[/red underlined]] suit. Am rather astonished how [[red underlined]] self possessed my answers were notwithstanding all the tricks of the cross examining lawyers. At noon had quite a large dinner party, [[/red underlined]] Miss deVecchi, one of the Waite boys, and a certain Mr. Miller of Park Hill, also young Rose just back from the Mexican border.
Lawrence [[red underlined]] Byck [[/red underlined]] here to talk over his [[red underlined]] tung oil experiments [[/red underlined]] and 600 T 

Transcription Notes:
Paul Mausolff was Secretary in the Roessler & Hasslacher Chemical Co.