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[[red underline]] this never end.?
Dec. 19. At home all day.
Dec. 20. Met [[strikethrough]] Peters [[/strikethrough]] Sam T. Peters. He tells me there is such a block in the coal market that [[red underline]] manufacturers are paying $5.00 a ton premium on bituminous coal. [[/red underline]] Told him [[red underline]] May [[/red underline]] wants to become a director but that Hasslacher [[strikethrough]] wants [[/strikethrough]] prefers [[red underline]] Schleussner [[/red underline]] and that in view of the pleasant relations which have always existed we should not raise an issue on this small matter. He entirely agrees with me.
Met [[strikethrough]] West [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Dr. Weston [[/red underline]] at lunch at Vanderbilt hotel. Says Kirk [[red underline]] Brown [[/red underline]] has tried to decide his sons and his manager to substitute [[red underline]] Condensite for Bakelite [[/red underline]] and that they show a new molding mixture which seems to have better properties for some of their work.
Then went to Toch's office. Toch wants me to take [[red underline]] $5000 [[/red underline]] of bonds of his Tennessee company as
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a matter of friendship, says there is no doubt in it as an investment
Promised him to take $5000.
At 9 P.M Concert in favor of [[red underline]] Belgian Orphan Fund. Celine [[/red underline]] on the program as one of the patronesses, altho' she [[strikethrough]] hardly knew abo [[/strikethrough]] has not been given any opportunity to be useful. Then supper, then dancing. A rather hightoned affair in ball-room of [[red underline]] Biltmore [[/red underline]] Hotel. A young [[red underline]] englishman [[/red underline]] at our table who [[red underline]] lost his arm at [[/red underline]]  Ypres. [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] back to Yonkers in Hudson car. heavy snowfall. I went to sleep at Chemists Club.
Dec 21. Went early to office of [[red underline]] Hooker Co [[/red underline]] to confer with Townsend and officers of Company whether they should purchase [[red underline]] Standard Aniline Co. [[/red underline]] Kerr present as counsel. The men of the company [[red underline]] Hilder, Dr. Wallach and their counsel Kalish present. [[/red underline]] They have done
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