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1917  1

Jan 22.
At home all day.
Report of Rossi that [[red underline]] Cresol [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] of Engl [[/strikethrough]] imported from England is [[red underline]] so bad that we must purify it.  Extra cost together with [[/red underline]] increased price of formaldehyde will [[red underline]] cut our [[/red underline]] profits this year to the extent of about [[strikethrough]] $80 [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] $80000 [[/red underline]]
Jan 23.  Thurlow here.  I told him about situation with Condensite Co. in regards to pending patent suit also explained him how urgent it is to continue our work with 600T and similar molding matures.  A. A. Noyes sent me final report of [[red underline]] Nitrate Supply Co. [[/red underline]] read it immediately and sent my corrections same day.  Evening ran over to University Club.
Jan 24.  Left before lunch went to [[red underline]] Brooklyn. [[/red underline]] Everything there delayed on account of new safety rules