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Jan 28. (Sunday) Spent all day reading Feel much [[underlined in red]] depressed and totally uninterested [[/underlined in red]] in my work and everything. [[underlined in red]] My great wish is that I could travel but I see no chance whatever of doing so. [[/underlined in red]] This Bakelite business with its [[underlined in red]] patent suits, saps my patience [[/underlined in red]] and all my enthusiasm and ties me here, and [[underlined in red]] I am getting rapidly older. [[/underlined in red]] What is the use of [[underlined in red]] my money or my income to [[/underlined in red]] me [[strikethrough]] X In a few years [[/strikethrough]] if I am [[underlined in red]] kept like a squirrel in a [[/underlined in red]] cage? [[strikethrough]] I am [[/strikethrough]]
Jan 29. Just got news [[underlined in red]] Townsend is ill in bed [[/underlined in red]] and there is that confounded patent suit which [[strikethrough]] wants [[/strikethrough]] requires action [[strikethrough]] this [//strikethrough]] Thursday. 
I am more and more [[underlined in red]] disgusted with Bakelite Co and all what relates to it. [[/underlined in red]]
Cold rainy weather.  Feel much [[underlined in red]] irritated and nervous [[/underlined in red]]
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Constant telephone calls and interruptions.  I feel more and more [[underlined in red]] glued to this Bakelite business  What is the good of making money if it simply ties you more and [[/underlined in red]] more to business obligations and endless complications and takes away more and more of one's freedom. Psaw! [[underlined in red]] Why not break lose from it? [[/underlined in red]] Let others who have no more imagination than to tie themselves to the routine of a business be yoked before the cart like a team of oxen.
I feel mentally tired irritated, dangerous to myself and ready to make some rash decision. I wish I could flee away for some needed vacation in some radically different surroundings  
But there is that confounded patent suit etc.
Decided to go and bury myself at the University Club for a few days where I may escape