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[[underlined in red ]] pleased at decision. [[/underlined in red]] [[strikethrough]] About 2:30 PM. [[/strikethrough]] During afternoon ticker [[underlined in red]] transmitted [[strikethrough]] spee [[/strikethrough]] address of President to Congress, [[/underlined in red]] which is well received everywhere. Political factions unite
[[vertical red line in left margin]] 
[[underlined in red]] All this means U.S. will be dragged in this war. Germany does not seem to realize this [[/underlined in red]]. 
[[/vertical red line in left margin]] 
Somewhat later announcement american ship [[underlined in red]] Housatonic has been sunk [[/underlined in red]] near Scilly Islands. I [[underlined in red]] foresee considerable internal complications here on account of progermans and Germans demonstrated everywhere. Precautions being taken [[/underlined in red]] militia summoned. [[underlined in red]] Navy yards closed to visitors. [[/underlined in red]] First signs of [[underlined in red]] sabotage of Germans [[/underlined in red]] with some of their ships which are said to be [[underlined in red]] disabled. [[/underlined in red]]
If [[underlined in red]] this means war it means George too. I dread to think [[/underlined in red]]
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[[underlined in red]] of it all. The first and most eager will be first sacrificed to learn to rectify blunders and inexperience. [[/underlined in red]] I am much discouraged when I think of it all.  
The announcement of our yearly statement of [[underlined in red]] Bakelite Co [[/underlined in red]] that earnings coincide very closely [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] ^[[with]] my estimates of a month ago, [[underlined in red]] leaves me rather unenthusiastic and uninterested 
what is the good of all this money in present of all these calamities which bring us back to barbaric times. Germany what have you brought upon mankind!  Will you men your Hohenzollerns, Junkers and militarists ever realize it? [[/underlined in red]] Went back to Yonkers to night.
Feb 4. 1917. (Sunday) [[underlined in red]] Nina [[/underlined in red]] here with another young lady of Vassar. Cold weather. Here all day. [[underlined in red]] E.H. Hooker [[/underlined in red]] [[strikethrough]] came [[/strikethrough]] stopped here to inquire to whom he should apply to [[underlined in red]] offer his plant to the government for the manufacture [[/underlined in red]]