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[[vertical annotation in left margin written in red]] May [[/vertical annotation]]
different firms exhibiting each complete aeroplanes and a number of other concerns [[red underline]] exhibiting special [[/red underline]] motors for [[red underline]] flying machines. [/red underline]]
I noticed that on all these machines, the insulators were [[red underlined]] molded bakelite [[/red underline]]
I have been worrying and pondering about that [[red underline]] Condensite suit [[/red underline]].  Altho I am confident that we shall win it I foresee for the future endless repeated hostile actions of the kind which will be a positive burden to me and a constant irritation [[red underline]] preventing me from ever feeling at ease lest [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] we shall be called to engage in some patent litigation which after all requires [[red underline]] my own personal attention. [[/red underline]]
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Just now with the illness of both [[red underline]] Townsend and Brickenstein [[/red underline]] and the difficulties of having Neave when we want him I am more impressed than ever that we [[red underline]] ought to make [[strikethrough]] an effort [[/strikethrough]] further effort to find some way of mending up our differences even if we have to make some [[/red underline]] concessions.
I invited Frank L. [[red underline]] Dyer [[/red underline]] to come and take supper with me at University Club and there explained to him how foolish we were to start up strife and to go into all these [[strikethrough]] mess [[/strikethrough]] complications for rather unimportant matters of [[red underline]] these two patents, [[/red underline]] where in our actions we shall be compelled to [[red underline]] demolish [[/red underline]] their patents and by doing so both of us will play in the hands of [[red underline]] Redman [[/red underline]] who will benefit by our constructive work while