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The Commission were compelled to interrupt the work to which they had so much devoted themselves it [[red underline]] depended on the German Government [[/red underline]] whether Belgium was [[red underline]] going to starve or not and that to morrow or the day after to morrow we might be in a condition where this country was at war with [[/red underline]] Germany
Feb'y 14.  Busy morning dictating  Dictated short article for the "Independent"
Then went to New York to meet Neave and Townsend [[red underline]] Townsend [[/red underline]] not very enthusiastic in making arrangement with [[red underline]] Condensite. Neave [[/red underline]] seems more [[red underline]] disposed. [[/red underlined]]. Both of them relapse every time in discussing minor sides and patent technicalities of subject [[red underline]] while I look at broad [[/red underline]]
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[[red underline]] business policy. Dyer Dmith [[/red underline]] came to discuss farther he too looks at small petty side. [[/red underline]] Later on Townsend and myself met Frank L. Dyer who repents his experience of [[red underline]] amicable [[/red underline]] settlement as a business policy and that they will not enter our field of Composite cardboard. [[/red underline]]
[[vertical notation in left margin]] were then selling varnish to Taylor! for his laminated [[/marginal notation]]
Feb. 15. A busy day getting thru my correspondence and [[red underline]] preparing [[/red underline]] somewhat for lecture of tomorrow [[red underlined]] at Syracuse. [[/red underline]] Left with 11:30 P.M train for Syracuse.
Feb 16. Snow in the streets and sleighs like in Canada also some motor cars in the streets. 
This afternoon prepared my lecture  [[red underline]] Evening Pennock calls me up at [[/red underline]] phone he is ill and cannot come. [[red underline]] Berry, Jones, Booth and Johnson [[/red underline]] came to invite me for dinner at hotel. A rather cold affair then was driven to the [[red underline]] main hall of Syracuse University, [[/red underline]] where lecture