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is to be given. An immense [[red underline]] organ [[/red underline]] played by a [[red underline]] belgian called Courboin. [[/red underline]] Was introduced by [[red underline]] Chief Judge Hiscock [[/red underline]] of N.Y Court of Appeals, everything [[red underline]] very formal, and fullsome praise and overstatements [[/red underline]] of my merits 
Audience about five hundred people of the town, many women present. [[red underline]] Lecture [[/red underline]] took about 1½ hours. Two other belgians there. One a certain [[red underline]] De Baets [[/red underlined]] who graduated from Ghent in 1900, another from Antwerp is consul at Syracuse. [[strikethrough]] A [[/strikethrough]] I showed how [[red underline]] Germany [[/red undeline]] altho preparing for 50 years for [[red underline]] this war was not prepared for a war of this duration and magnitude. [[/red underline]]  A good report of my lecture appeared in "Standard-Herald" next day.
Feb [[strikethrough]] 16 [[/strikethrough]] 17. 
Left Syracuse at 11 A.M
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Snowy landscape. Hudson all frozen over. People cutting ice at many places. Horses and sleds over the river. [[red underline]] Also saw an automobile traveling over river [[/red underline]] and some ice-boats.
Went to University Club for supper.
Feb [[strikethrough]] 17 [[/strikethrough]] 18. (Sunday) [[red underline]] Miss Johnson [[/red underline]] (daughter of president of [[red underline]] Baldwin [[/red underline]] Locomotive Co) of [[red underline]] Vassar here with Nina. [[/red underlilne]] Spent most day reading and arranging my income tax returns.
Feb [[strikekthrough]] 18 [[/strikethrough]] 19. Afternoon to meet [[red underline]] Manning and Parsons [[/red underline]] (Bureau of Mines) with [[red underline]] Herty and Whitney. [[/red underline]] Parson's report to [[red underline]] General Crozier and Secretary Baker takes exception to statements contained in ours. [[/red underline]] Insists specially on some different estimates as to cost of [[red underline]] cyanamide [[/red underline]] process and [[red underline]] Haber furnished by Landes and Washburn [[/red underline]] and puts special emphasis

Transcription Notes:
Charles Marie Courboin was a Belgian?American organ virtuoso. Frank Harris Hiscock was Chief Judge of the New York Court of Appeals from 1917 to 1926.