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[[image of circle with cross above in top left margin]]
Delivered my lecture: "The [[red underline]] Engineer and better Government" before a well filled room.[[/red underline]]
March 7. Left [[strikethrough]] here then [[/strikethrough]] Dayton this morning, all day in train.
March 8. [[circle with cross above in left margin with notation "2 hs"]]
Arrived early in New York.
At 11 A.M appeared before board [[red underline]] directors of Royal Baking Powder [[/red underline]] telling them about present conditions and prospects of experiments in Brooklyn. Then went to [[red underline]] College City of New York to [[/red underline]] hear end of lecture of [[red underline]] Sarton. [[/red underline]] Went with him, [[red underline]] Horta and Prof. Duggan [[/red underline]] to Claremont restaurant 
Then to listen to [[red underline]] Bergson [[/red underline]] who spoke excellent english. Looks rather oldish with his bald [[strikethrough]] head and [[/strikethrough]] smooth shaven head and parchment skin.  
His jewish face and general appearance remind me of 
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[[start page]]
[[red underline]] Weintraub [[/red underline]] of General Electric Co. Has a very clear enunciation and slow speech. Room mostly filled with women.
Evening listened ^[[at University Club]] to lecture of [[red underline]] Frederich Palmer, [[/red underline]] war correspondent at University Club. More even than the first occasion I saw him he appears to me as a poseur and does much talking but says little.  
This is also opinion [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] several other members expressed.
March 9. A busy day dictating letters.
Evening went to Chemists Club to celebrate 25th Anniversary of Foundation of [[red underline]] New York Section of American Chemical Society. [[/red underline]]
Edgar F. Smith gave excellent lecture on work [[red underline]] of Hare. [[/red underline]]  A well attended meeting.
March 10. [[strikethrough]] Early [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Meeting Naval Board at 10. [[/red underline]]  Busy day, morning committee meetings.
Afternoon general meeting 

Transcription Notes:
Robert Hare, 19th century chemist and spiritualist