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till after 5 P.M.
Coffin, Edison and Sperry absent, also Arnold the latter on account of illness.
March 11. (Sunday) Somebody wants to buy [[red underline]] the Cygnet, [[/red underline]] so I wired back will sell it for [[red underline]] $3700. [[/red underline]] Yet this little toy boat is practically the only distraction I have now. [[red underline]] The older I get the more I realise how foolish it is to have all the money one wants and no time for some leisure or recreation. [[/red underline]] 
Celine just showed me a letter from [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] to her in which [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] he complains [[red underline]] that I am too severe with him whenever he comes at home, etc. [[/red underline]]    All this because last time he was here I called his attention to the fact that he should not give order [[strikethrough]] about [[/strikethrough]] to Albert about using automobile without first
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finding out whether this does not conflict with my own plans. Those [[strikethrough]] kids [[/strikethrough]]
^[[youngsters]] do not imagine [[red underline]] what responsibilities [[/red underline]] I have and have never known [[strikethrough]] what [[/strikethrough]] that there is a difference between [[red underline]] a whim and a necessity. [[/red underline]] If I let them run the house and incur expenses as they please this would become a rather awkward condition. 
I hate the thought of being looked upon as [[red underline]] the unpleasant money-provider. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] Whatever money I leave them will [[/strikethrough]] Sometimes I feel like going away far from here and live [[strikethrough]] by [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] simply by myself [[/red underline]] and let them do what they please provided they do not [[strikethrough]] always expect [[/strikethrough]] interfere with my own plans. [[red underline]] I am profoundly disappointed [[/red underline]] at this all. Is life worth living?
March 12. [[red underline]] Embassador Gerard [[/red underline]] arrived in Havana from Berlin. Accounts of plots and spying [[strikethrough]] everywhere [[/strikethrough]] of Germans everywhere.