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the Germans and who have been advocating separate peace. Seabury here this afternoon also visit of Russian chemist Colin who wants to offer new material for trench warfare.
March 17. Here all day. Evening drove alone to University Club 
Annual general meeting and [[red underline]] election then supper. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] Pupin and [[/strikethrough]] Will [[red underline]] Pupin and others celebrate success of revolution in Russia.-  I fear however that extremists may cause trouble and thus give another chance to reactionaries to [[strikethrough]] stay [[/strikethrough]] to come back after awhile. [[/red underline]] 
March 18 1917 (Sunday) Nina here.
Evening left for [[red underline]] Washington. [[/red underline]] 
March 19. Cold and freezing. Went to [[red underline]] Bureau of Standards. [[/red underline]] Chemistry building added [[red underline]] since my last visit. [[/red underline]] Imposing addition. People in the U.S
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[[red underline]] entirely oblivious of all the excellent work done here in [[/red underline]]  Washington.
Conference with [[red underline]] Dr. Stratton [[/red underline]] on subject of [[red underline]] optical glass. [[/red underline]] He tells me they have been working successfully on problem for the last two years, together with the connected problem of crucibles and clays. Says results thus far achieved are decidedly encouraging. Work done mainly [[red underline]] in Pittsburgh [[/red underline]] and actively carried out. [[strikethrough]] Told [[/strikethrough]] Discussed with him methods of evaporation and stimulation.
Drove me to Washington had short conference with [[red underline]] Dr. George Ellery Hale [[/red underline]]  on this subject so as to determine how Research [[red underline]] Council could cooperate. [[/red underline]] 
Afternoon went to Townsend to talk about compromise with [[red underline]] Condensite. [[/red underline]] He has little