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March 21. [[strikethrough]] Went to [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Hale [[/red underline]] here to talk further about [[red underline]] nitrate supply [[/red underline]] committee went with me to Navy met [[red underline]] Smith, Rear ^[[Adm.]] Earle and Col. Hoeffer of ^[[Army Ordnance Dept.]] [[/red underline]] 
Talked over [[red underline]] nitrate situation [[/red underline]] and explosives etc. [[red underline]] Hoeffer [[/red underline]] thinks we have all explosives wanted, says Dupont assures him so.
[[Two large exclamation points in left margin]]
Took up again importance of [[red underline]] nitrate-ammonium powders [[/red underline]] 
Evening gave send-off to [[red underline]] Robinson [[/red underline]] who is to live n New York. Brickenstein and Herbert [[red underline]] Quick present, [[red underline]] very enjoyable evening, interesting conversation.
March 22. Went to visit [[red underline]] Geophysical Laboratory. [[/red underline]] Splendidly situated [[red underline]] Dr. Day [[/red underline]] showed me his high pressure outfit. Whole institute makes a great impression on me. Scientific work of highest order. Nothing of the kind in existence in this
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[symbol in top left margin]] # [[/symbol]]
line. What a pity [[red underline]] that so few people in [[strikethrough]] New York [[/strikethrough]] the United States know about all the splendid scientific work going on here in Washington. [[/red underline]] Went to talk to him about question of optical glass.
[[strikethrough]] March 2 [[/strikethrough]]
Afternoon conference with [[red underline]] Manning and Parsons [[/red underline]] of Bureau of Mines in relation to nitrate situation.
[[red underline]] Parsons tells me that altho' Bricker is considered impractical man, men in Niagara tell him that they have surmounted all difficulties and that [[red underline]] process has now been developed to practical condition [[/red underline]] 
Told them to use their efforts to straighten up power situation in Niagara Falls.
Evening meeting of [[red underline]] Knowlton, Alsberg, Herbert Quick [[/red underline]] and myself to discuss [[red underline]] Soya bean project. [[/red underline]] Charge to Hooker expenses etc.
[[symbol and annotation in left margin]] # 7 hs. + 16$ expense expenses. [[/symbol and annotation]]
March 23. Up early, packing

Transcription Notes:
John Herbert Quick was an American author.