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[[red underline]] to submit to the outrages [[/red underline]] of Germany.  What is very significant is that all the [[red underline]] progermans are strenuously [[/red underline]] in favor the the [[black underline]] Peace [[/black underline]] party.
[[strikethrough]] March 31 [[strikethrough]] 
April 1 1917 (Sunday)  Splendid Spring day. 80°F in shade.  [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] here also Miss Copenhaver of Vassar. [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] arrived yesterday.  Had an [[red underline]] earnest conversation with him in regard to volunteering in the army. [[/red underline]]  Advised him not to be too impetuous and not to join the first rush which probably will be rather disorganized and ill prepared in the same way as [[red underline]] the first volunteers in England and Canada were.  [[/red underline]] But to join again his regiment drill at Cornell if [[red underline]] his physician allows [[/red underline]] him to do so and keep at his studies to the end of the term which will soon be there and then prepare to pass his exam for
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[[notation in top left margin]] B [[/marginal notation]]
[[red underline]] second lieutenant [[/red underline]] during his vacation and thus be better prepared for his duties if he wants to volunteer.
Evening all drove to New York.  [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] to take his train and I to leave with night train for [[red underline]] Washington [[/red underline]]. Many travelers.  [[red underline]] Train several [[sections?]] many to go to Washington to be at Extraordinary Session of Congress ordered by President.  Very probably country will declare war and President will urge [[/red underline]] Congress to do so.
A few [[red underline]] women [[red underline]] with [[strikethrough]] wite [[/strikethrough]] white bands on arm:  [[/red underline]] "Keep out of war". [[/red underline]] most other people wearing small american flags in button hole fastened by a pin.
April 2.  Spent morning at Townsends discussing patent infringement suit against Redman.  
[[Notation in left margin]] B [[black underline]] 3 hs. [[/black underline]] Charge also traveling expenses except one berth [[/marginal notation]]
Afternoon took drive to Capitol. beautiful spring day.  Quite a number of visitors.  Flags every-