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[[letter "B" and symbol "#" in top left margin]]
[[red underline]] returns they may discern in how far it is necessary to continue these expenses instead of shouldering [[strikethrough]] anything [[/strikethrough] everything on coming generations [[/red underline]]
April 5. Hurried dictation etc. 
Afternoon carried copies of [[red underline]] Condensite [[/red underline]] agreements to Prince George Hotel so that Frank L. [[red underline]] Dyer [[/red underline]] may verify them. 
[[letter "B" and annotation "1 h." in left margin]]
Then interview with [[red underline]] Herty [[/red underline]] on subject of [[red underline]] Alexander Smith. [[/red underline]] He seems [[red underline]] conciliatory [[/red underline]] and disposed to halt controversy if [[red underline]] Alexander Smith [[/red underline]] is willing to show his good will by writing [[strikethrough]] an apol [[/strikethrough]] a suitable letter to be published in the Journal together with one from [[red underline]] Herty. [[/red underline]] Telephoned to [[red underline]] Mastick, [[/red underline]] later on called up [[red underline]] Alexander Smith who also seems disposed to conciliation [[/red underline]]
Then interview with [[red underline]] Cardoen a Belgian and engineer [[/red underline]] 
[[symbol "#" and annotation "2 h" in left margin]]
[[end page]]

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[[letter "B" in top left margin]]
who is active [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] in [[red underline]] Chile [[/red underline]] and wants to bring my attention to beds of [[red underline]] potassium chloride [[/red underline]] available for exploitation 
Intended to submit matter to Hooker Co but find beds too poor 6% and 11% for exploitation. Supper at University Club with A. G. Robinson of Washington.
April 6. Went to New York to sign contracts of [[red underline]] Condensite Co. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] Found [[/strikethrough]] 
First went to Peters and Williams' office. They tell me that they propose to pass resolution next meeting of [[red underline]] General Bakelite Co to put my compensation as president at anything not exceeding $25000 a year. [[/red underline]] Told them I would not accept this that [[red underline]] half this sum is sufficient as a [[/red underline]] maximum. Learned there that this country is in an [[red underline]] unprecedented difficulty as far as coal supply [[/red underline]] is concerned, and that one of the very first troubles which will be