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[[red underlined]] but very badly prepared lunch with very little Soy in it. [[/red underlined]] Lunch had been cooked by her [[red underlined]] Negro woman [[/red underlined]] cook and was an [[red underlined]] absurdity. [[/red underlined]] Had a long talk with Knowlton impressing him with the fact that the problem we have before us does not lie in [[red underlined]] Trifles of cooking or fancy dishes, or [[/red underlined]] soy milk or soy-cheese but in finding a way of blending soy - pro[[?]] residue [[red underlined]] after oil extraction with Kaffir-corn in such a way that we can get a flour which can keep as a staple [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] article and to find [[/red underlined]] practical and simple ways to use it for bread making and other foods. - Also to make a [[red underlined]] Soy oil palatable [[/red underlined]] and to use it instead of Olive oil, or harden it by [[red underlined]] hydroazation [[/red underlined]] and make solid edible fat from it. Advised him against putting
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[[red underlined]] the cart before the horse [[/red underlined]] by engaging either [[red underlined]] Dr. Kim [[/red underlined]] or any other woman or chemist act this phase of the problem, [[red underlined]] but to get acquainted first [[/red underlined]] with the situation of [[red underlined]] Kaffir-corn [[/red underlined]] etc at Dept. of Agriculture Bank home about 6 P.M.
To night supper with [[red underlined]] George [[/red underlined]] and [[red underlined]] Nina [[/red underlined]] and [[red underlined]] William Bennet [[/red underlined]] and [[red underlined]] Miss DeVecchi here. Nina [[/red underlined]] and [[red underlined]] George [[/red underlined]] left for school. George when he said me good bye pressed my hand more and longer than usually. I [[red underlined]] can hardly bear the thought that we may lose him on account of those Huns!
April 12. Here all day till evening [[margin]] B 1 h [[/margin]] when I drove to [[strikethrough]] University Club [[/strikethrough]] Chemists Club for supper then to University Club to hear address of [[red underlined]] John A Gade [[/red underlined]] on [[red underlined]] "Belgium to day" [[/red underlined]] in which he stirred his audience by his experiences as a member of Hoover's Belgian Relief Committee. Paid