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[[letter "B" in top left margin]]
the highest tribute to the character and gratitude of [[red underlined]] the Belgians [[/red underlined]]
April 13. Dictated all day. 
[[annotation "B 1." in left margin]]
Wrote letters to [[red underlined]] Woodrow Wilson, [[/red underlined]] Governor Whitman our Senators and Congressman and New York newspapers urging military service [[red underlined]] after Swiss or Argentine system [[/red underlined]] and protesting against the injustice of the [[red underlined]] voluntary system [[/red underlined]] and its serious defects.
April 14. Left here early for General meeting of [[red underlined]] Naval Board [[/red underlined]] everybody present except Edison and Coffin the latter is in Washington. [[red underlined]] Feverish activity in all subcommittees. [[/red underlined]] before general meeting of the Board. Delegates of an association of [[red underlined]] painters and artists [[/red underlined]] offer their services for [[red underlined]] "Camouflage", [[/red underlined]] mimicry as practised extensively by the Allies for hiding or disguising men, canon,
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defenses etc. Some interesting addresses showing how painting or war ships should be improved by using laws of optics etc so as to make them difficultly visible. As to uniforms it was shown that Kaki is a very visible color, some excellent improvements suggested.
[[red underlined]] Aeronautic [[/red underlined]] section presents a report of the possibility, which has been demonstrated by an experiment of a new engine of war. But as far as I can see this engine would be more useful in the hands of a fleet attacking our shores. I [[strikethrough]] told [[/strikethrough]] warned them that if we conduct experiments and prove feasibility the [[red underlined]] Germans [[/red underlined]] will strenuously adopt it and then [[red underlined]] use it first against us while if we do not demonstrate possibility they [[/red underlined]] may not even attempt it.