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suit and endorse their [[/red underlined]] own inclinations just as in the civil war the [[red underlined]] slaveholders [[/red underlined]] had [[red underlined]] rigid logic [[/red underlined]] and argumentation to uphold the justice of slavery. The fact is that altho' their logic and arguments may be right [[red underlined]] they ordinarily are easy enough about their premises. [[/red underlined]] The latter are chosen to suit [[red underlined]] their inclinations [[/red underlined]] and their own desires. Furthermore it is [[red underlined]] impossible [[/red underlined]] in starting an argument to [[red underlined]] start from simple premises. [[/red underlined]] This is possible in [[red underlined]] mathematics [[/red underlined]] but not in sociology or chemistry where the premises are always [[red underlined]] incomparably more complicated [[/red underlined]] so that it is easily possible to [[red underlined]] overlook some very important considerations [[/red underlined]] in all this reasoning and this leads to compounding errors and
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finally to [[red underlined]] entirely erroneous conclusions, [[/red underlined]] brought about unconsciously to suit the likes or dislikes of the man who does the [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] argumentation.
Conversation was quite lively at the dinner table and was carried on further afterwards in [[red underlined]] the social room until after midnight. [[/red underlined]]
At one time [[red underlined]] Prof Moore [[/red underlined]] the [[red underlined]] mathematician [[/red underlined]] startled us by stating that [[red underlined]] even mathematics [[/red underlined]] is [[red underlined]] not an exact science, [[/red underlined]] that we believed so until some years ago (30 years ago?) when by developing mathematical methods to a point never heretofore reached, some mathematicians got stopped by a [[red underlined]] paradox +. [[/red underlined]] That they had tried to get over this paradox but [[red underlined]] had not succeeded. [[/red underlined]] Mathematics is [[red underlined]] a much simpler [[/red underlined]] science that other sciences and 
[[margin vertical]] + the Paradox of [[underlined]] Cantor [[/underlined]] [[/margin vertical]]