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at Warburton Theatre organized by [[red underline]]Yonkers Suffrage association and in which the performer were [[/red underline]] some of the best known younger ladies of Yonkers of well known families.  Exquisite performance, well conducted-better than professionals.
Evening spoke at annual dinner of our Chemical Fraternity [[red underline]] [[strikethrough]] Alpha Phi [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Phi Lambda]] Upsilon, [[/red underline]], where I was principal speaker.  [[red underline]] Chandler [[/red underline]] being toast master (Chemists Club).  I spoke about [[strikethrough]] chem [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] what can a chemist do under present [[/red underline]] conditions and then [[red underline]] launched forth on "character" and "a man" vs. a mere chemical specialist, etc [[/red underline]] and my address was very warmly received
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April 22 (Sunday).  Beautiful spring weather.  Restful day.
April 23.  Left here about 7 A.M. to be present at launching of U.S.S. [[red underline]] "New Mexico" [[/red underline]] at Brooklyn Navy Yard. [[red underline]] Saunders, Robins, Emmet Sperry and Craven [[/red underline]] there. [[red underline]] Difficult admittance. [[/red underline]]
Cmdr vigorously inspected several times. Policemen, polite but firm in all adjoining streets. 
[[red underline]] I note that the walls are extra protected with barbed wire charged electrically.
Franklin Roosevelt [[/red underline] assistant secretary represents [[red underline]] Navy. [[/red underline] Big ship slid gracefully and noiselessly in the water.  Everything looks businesslike, no time lost in unnecessary ceremonies everything over in about one hour at the utmost.