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[[red underline]] preparing for the great trial [[/red underline]] yet to come. It all [[strikethrough]] looks [[/strikethrough]] seems so [[red underline]] unreal [[/red underline]] and yet it is.  I wrote to [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] a heart to heart letter.  I wonder [[red underline]] whether the boy understands half what is going on in the heart and brain of his mother and father. [[/red underline]] who both love him so much. -- For his mother what a blow it would be !
April 24.  After lunch drove to Safe Deposit to take out following securities
    100 Pressed Steel Preferred
    100 Am. Cotton Seed oil Com
    100 Southern Pacific Com
to endorse it in name of [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] and 100 Am. Cot. Seed oil Com to endorse it in name of [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] in addition of
    100 Baldwin Loc. pref.
    100 National Biscuit Com
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already transferred to his name.  Drove [[red underline]] Horta [[/red underline]] from New York to [[red underline]] our house for supper stopping at Fieldstone, [[/red underline]]  Park Hill and Riverview Manor real Estate Developments to show him samples of modern country architecture.
April 16. Received word from [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] that he had been accepted in [[red underline]] Squadron A [[/red underline]] but can finish his term at Cornell and is drilling every day with the other Cornell students.
[[strikethrough]] April 2 [[/strikethrough]] This evening went to see a play describing american title hunters and idlers in London, called "Our betters".  Then afterwards on night train to [[red underline]] Washington [[/red underline]]
April 27.  Real Spring day, leaves out and sunny. At Shoreham notice [[red underline]] french [[/red underline]] officers and [[red underline]] british [[/red underline]] officers in service uniform, some of them [[red underline]] limping [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] on a cane [[/strikethrough]] and using a