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our help.
Evening there was a [[red underline]] reception at Army and Navy [[/red underline]] Club in honor of [[red underline]] Marechal Joffre, Viviani and other envoys. [[/red underline]] All officers of the [[red underline]] Navy were [[/red underline]] there in uniform, also Secretary [[red underline]] Daniels, [[/red underline]] Baker, Redfield etc. After reception went to Cosmos Club with Sprague 
^[[Webster]] and Riker and Whitney. The latter returned with me on night train to New York.
April 29 (Sunday). Arrived Yonkers time for breakfeast
[[red underline]] Sarton here. [[/red underline]] Also [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] and Miss De Vecchi and a certain Miss Bonnet of San Antonio Texas.
April 30. A busy day with belated correspondence.
May 1, 1917. [[red underline]] Joffre advises to send American troops to Europe as soon as possible [[/red underline]]
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the sooner the better and [[red underline]] let them be trained at the front.- This is rather different from the plans of our military authorities who believe in not sending troops until they [[/red underline]] are well trained here so as not to [[red underline]] repeat Britain's mistakes. [[/red underline]]
Went to New York to confer with [[red underline]] Conant of Conant & Co [[/red underline]] chartered accountants to hear his views about our accounts and profits and capitalization
[[symbol "B" in left margin with annotation]]
[[strikethrough]] [[pa--?]] [[/strikethrough]] 4 hs
[[/symbol and annotation]]
Then afterwards tried to locate Frank L. Dyer but could not. Evening at University Club.
[[strikethrough]] It w [[/strikethrough]] Pouring rain.
[[black underline]] May 2. [[/black underline]]
Left early for directors meeting [[red underline]] Foersterling on my advice resigns as director because he is a German subject. McNitt [[/red underline]] elected in his place. Orders increasing. [[red underline]] $100,000 [[/red underline]] for last month, or [[strikethrough]] 50% [[/strikethrough]] double of those last year. Price of [[red underline]] raw materials, for- [[/red underline]]