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other interesting communications. Meeting adjourned at about 5 P.M.
Evening met [[red underlined]] Horta [[/red underlined]] at Cosmos Club. and left with midnight train for [[strikethrough]] New York [[/strikethrough]] Yonkers.
May 13. (Sunday) [[red underlined]] George [[/red underlined]] and [[red underlined]] Nina [[/red  underlined]] here.  [[red underlined]] George anxious to join [[strikethrough]] either [[/strikethrough]] army or navy. [[/red underlined]] told him to wait a few days longer until I have asked advice from my friends, in what capacity he can best use his preparation.
May 14: A busy day taking up belated correspondence. Find [[red underlined]] more tricks of Condersite [[/red underlined]] Company and sent a strong telegram to Frank L. Dyer who is in Washington. [[red underlined]] protesting against the wording of a communication intended to give a misleading turn to the fact that we are paying
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[[red underlined]] blackmail to Condersite Co, [[/red underlined]] also against their attempt of keeping [[red underlined]] interference alive by new appeal on decision in our favor after we had decided to bury this question [[/red underlined]] by granting reciprocal licenses. Afternoon went to office of 
[[underlined]] May 15 [[/underlined]] President [[red underlined]] Nicholas Murray Butler [[/red underlined]] of [[red underlined]] Columbia University [[/red underlined]] at his request. He [[strikethrough]] wants me again [[/strikethrough]] [[red underlined]] repeats [[/red underlined]] to me again the desire expressed in the part by some other Trustees to [[red underlined]] take charge of Chemical Engineering Course. [[/red underlined]] Told him it is out of the question. Too many other matters require my responsibility. Then asked me whether I would not be [[red underlined]] their adviser [[/red underlined]] [[strikethrough]] if [[/strikethrough]] in all these matters. if they could manage to not interfere [[red underlined]] with any other work [[/red underlined]] etc. Promised them that under those conditions I would [[red underlined]] try to do what I could [[/red underlined]] but felt I could not do justice to the [[red underlined]] situation. [[/red underlined]] Advised him to bridge