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National Defense Council [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] and he writes me positively that [[red underline]] best thing is to wait until selective draft when everybody will be assigned to [[strikethrough]] part which [[/strikethrough]] duties best in harmony with his qualifications [[/red underline]] 
He went to Navy Yard to see his friend [[red underline]] Middlebrook who rushed into Naval Reserves, and sees now everybody ill occupied and no real duties assigned to
He went there with idea to enlist but changed his mind after what he saw. [[/red underline]]

May 20 1917 (Sunday) [[red underline]] Nina is gone to Vassar [[/red underline]] to spend the day. Celine George and myself drove to Gedney Farms Hotel for lunch. [[strikethrough]] Celine probably[[/strikethrough]] I can hardly shake from my mind the always returning thoughts [[red underline]] that all my plans for George are scattered to pieces by the war. [[/red underline]] Matters look very serious and there is [[red underline]] [[strikethrough]] everyth [[/strikethrough]] every pos- [[/red underline]] 

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[[symbol in top left margin showing a circle topped by a cross]]
sibility that a [[red underline]] long war and immense sacrifices are in store [[[/red underline]] for this country which heretofore never seemed to realized its blissful happiness.  I feel very much depressed.

May 21. I [[red underline]] accepted Nicholas Murray Butler's request to act as advisor to Chemical Engineering department [[/red underline]] of Columbia insisting however that I [[red underline]] should have absolute free disposal of my time and any other obligations according to my own judgement. [[/red underline]] 

May 22. Went purposely to Brooklyn with my small car to note progress.  [[symbol in left margin showing a circle topped by a cross and the words 5 hrs]]
[[red underline]] Paulus has made several good runs of formate also roastings [[/red underline]] on his machine and oxalic plant is going on slowly.  Stoppage due to mechanical troubles, stripping a gear, slowness of oxalic filters etc.  man broke a finger etc. etc.
but there seems to be no chemical difficulty here.  On the other