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Manchuria, Siberia to Petrograd, his interviews with the men in Russia and [[red underline]] Lloyd George [[/red underline] etc. etc then his dash to Bordeaux, thence by auto to La Panne to meet [[red underline]] the King of Belgium [[/red underline]] etc. etc.  all this supplemented with letters he carried with him. and picturesquely told [[red underline]] in his fast way [[/red underline]] his big body -- he is much over 6 feet tall, curly white [[strikethrough]] hare [[/strikethrough]] hair, pink complexion very regular feature and weigh at least 250 lbs -- nodding and gesticulating.  Sounded like the story of a film-play. -- [[red underline]] secret agents - submarines [[/red underline]] - conferences with [[red underline]] kings, queens and prime ministers visits to the trenches [[/red underline]] etc. etc.
Also shows beautiful stone
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[[red underline]] house which he built as he says for the King of Belgium [[/red underline]] when he wants to use it in Oregon.  Then another house near the [[red underline]] Columbia River [[/red underline]] on a spot which he says will one day be the [[red underline]] strategic point where the Japanese or their Allies will try to force into the United States.  "This house" [[/red underline]] he says "will one day become the headquarters of the American Army assembled to resist invasion there.
May 23. Another cold rainy day. [[strikethrough]] This [[/strikethrough]] Went to [[red underline]] Washington [[/red underline]] by night train.
May24. At Cosmos Club.  Met [[red underline]] [[Bulland?]] Robert W. Bruère, Horta and Samuel Hill. Elon H. Hooker here. to try to become chief of the technology of gas warfare. Wants to go to Europe with Lester and Townsend to study what has been done here. [[/red underline]] An hour afterwards saw him after he had had interview