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to submarines and other war problems. [[red underline]] Sir Ernest Rutherford is with them also Commander Bridge of British Navy. others are Fabry, Abrahams, [[Dupourey?]] (secretary) Duke de Gramont de Guiche, Pomey, [[arrow pointing to vertical notation in right margin]] Poster & Telegraph [[/marginal notation]] Paternot, Valensi etc. all in military uniform [[/red underline]] all relatively young men. I represented the [[red underline]] Naval Consulting Board; [[/red underline]]; others present were [[red underline]] Cary Huchinson, Buck. [[/red underline]] Pres. Int. Electrical Engineers, some representatives of [[red underline]] Army and Navy, Carthy [[/red underline]] of Telephone Co. in uniform, now [[red underline]] "Major" Carthy [[/red underline]] etc.
[[underlined]] May 30. Decoration day [[/underlined]] Beautiful sunny day but I feel very [[red underline]] depressed and discouraged. [[/red underline]]
This evening at University Club McGuire advises me to [[red underline]] tell George he should apply to pass his second lieutenant exam
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for coast artillery service.  So I wrote him [[/red underline]] a long letter to that effect.
May 31. We are preparing to make motor trip to Ithaca to visit [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]].  This will be our last chance to do so.  [[red underline]] This war seems to far from the end [[/red underline]] and after he enters military service there will be [[red underline]] little probability of him taking up again his interrupted studies.  Who would ever thought of this? [[/red underline]]
June 1. Up early. [[red underline]] Left here Celine Nina and myself [[/red underline]]. Albert driving threatening weather and rather cold.  Left at 7 A.M reached Poughkeepsie after 3 hours altho' some detours which caused delay about 11 at Rhinecliff then over Kingston Saugerties to Catskill.  Once in awhile slight rain but we do not mind it and leave the sides of our Sedan open. then over Cairo to Prattsville this is a hilly road and full of ruts but excepting the small stretch