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tion. A big job! In other countries the [[strikethrough]]] ce[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] census employees are paid $4 [[underlined]] 00 [[/underlined]] a day, but here the [[red underlined]] women do it voluntarily. 
Rudolph Ercheinoyer, [[/red underlined]] and [[red underlined]] Judge Waite [[/red underlined]] here for supper.
June 11. Went over final copy of [[red underlined]] my two commencement [[/red underlined]] addresses. [[red underlined]] Celine [[/red underlined]] away all day till late. She is the Captain of this district and has to direct everything to make matters more she has a cold which makes it impossible to speak otherwise than in a whisper. Went to University Club and took supper with [[red underlined]] Samuel Hill [[/red underlined]] of Seattle.
June 12. Home all day. [[red underlined]] Celine [[/red underlined]] very busy at work as captain of this precinct for 
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taking military Census of the State of New York. [[red underlined]] A very complicated job. [[/red underlined]] Keeps her there all day; [[red underlined]] will take her two weeks!
June 13. This evening gave the [[red underlined]] Commencement address [[/red underlined]] at the [[red underlined]] Brooklyn polytechnic Institute. [[/red underlined]] which took place at the Brooklyn Music Hall. All professors and myself in academic gown. My subject: [[red underlined]] The Greater Efficiency" [[/red underlined]] tried to contrast so called German Efficiency which undid its very purposes with the real efficiency tempered by wisdom and generosity which had made France beloved by all nations and American worshipped by the Belgians and had made Germany turn her friends and admirers, into bitter enemies.
Then jumped in night train and went to