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has used the product in large quantities in Switzerland and Italy.
[[red underlined]] Paul Warburg [[/red underlined]] of the Federal Reserve Bank commission sits at next table and [[red underlined]] tells me that he believes that Germany will soon collapse on account of internal troubles. [[/red underlined]] This is good news!. He ought to be better posted than most of us because his family are [[red underlined]] large bankers [[/red underlined]] in [[red underlined]] Hamburg, [[/red underlined]] also thru [[red underlined]] Richn[[guess]] Loeb and Company [[/red underlined]] of whom he was a partner.
Afternoon [[red underlined]] A. A. Noyes [[/red underlined]] came to me to bring me to conference with [[red underlined]] Millikan, Hale, and Noyes [[/red underlined]] to tell them whether [[red underlined]] Elon H. Hooter was qualified [[/red underlined]] to take charge of gas-inar. fare. Told them of what I knew of [[red underlined]] Hooker [[/red underlined]] and spoke [[red underlined]] eloquently about him and [[/red underlined]]
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[[red underlined]] how [[/red underlined]] earnest and [[?]]eous he is and if anything his weakness sometimes was to [[red underlined]] be over [[?]]ereous. [[/red underlined]] But told them that Hooker made a mistake in trying to urge C. P. Townsend to join his team. Because [[red underlined]] Townsend on account of ill-health will collapse before he can be of real use. [[/red underlined]] while Townsend can be much [[red underlined]] more useful in war matters by advice and participation in [[/red underlined]] manufacture of war chemicals. They tell me the whole matter is now up to [[red underlined]] General Crozier. [[/red underlined]] but that they wanted to know exactly is how far they could recommend [[red  underlined]]] Hooker. [[/red underlined]] I told them that the very fact that [[red underlined]] Hooker [[/red underlined]] is so eager to undertake this job, and his experiences and training added to this seems to make him best suited in this instance. They asked me whether I know of no other men who could be used in case