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for some reason or another Hooker is not found suitable  Told them [[red underlined]] I know of no other men who are not employed more usefully at this moment. [[/red underlined]]
  Went for supper at Powhatan Hotel with Brickenstern and [[red underlined]] Horta. [[/red underlined]] Later on in evening [[red underlined]] Millikan [[/red underlined]] came to see me [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] to tell that [[red underlined]] Crozier [[/red underlined]] and his staff [[red underlined]] found Hooker unacceptable.  He seems to have taken such a radically independent stand as to not to be willing to be subordinate to them [[/red underlined]] etc. and furthermore [[red underlined]] has frightened [[/red underlined]] them by [[red underlined]] his tenacity and skineorness[[guess]]. that they dread [[/red underlined]] the very idea.  Asks me again whether I have anybody else to be recommended.  Answered: [[red underlined]] No. [[/red underlined]]

June 30. Long interview with [[red underlined]] Grignard [[/red underlined]] and Engel at Cosmos Club. on subject of

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chemical questions. Then discussed [[red underlined]] Hooker [[/red underlined]] situation with him in regard to [[red underlined]] monochlorberyol [[/red underlined]] production for France and advised Grignard to see [[red underlined]] Ambassador Junerand [[/red underlined]] so as to have his support in recommending to Canadian Government [[red underlined]] not to withdraw power [[/red underlined]] from [[red underlined]] Hooker Electrochemical Co [[/red underlined]] which they need for making their deliveries of monochlorberyol for French Government which has to be used for making [[picric?]] acid. 
[[strikethrough]] Evening [[/strikethrough]] Afternoon drive along Potomac with Henry Washington.  Back to New York with night train.
July 1. Home all day resting and reading. [[red underlined]] George [[/red underlined]] finds that he cannot pass his exam for second lieutenant in [[red underlined]] coast [[/red underlined]] artillery because the number

Transcription Notes:
Here is the Wikipedia entry on Victor Grignard: