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[[symbol upper left margin]] cross on top of circle [[/symbol]
[[symbol in left margin with notation]] cross on top of circle 1 hr [[/symbol & notation]]
[[red underlined]] Formaldehyde now 15 1/2 c [[/red underlined]] a pound instead of [[red underlined]] 7 1/2 c in 1914. [[/red underlined]] At noon called at office of [[red underlined]] Royal Baking powder [[/red underlined]] where I found Geary. Gave him short account of present situation at Brooklyn and how everything seems [[red underlined]] dependent upon delays caused by trifling matters like breaking gear, etc.
Afterwards had conference with [[red underlined]] Grignard [[/red underline]] and Engel of French Army commission at their Vanderbilt hotel. - Showers and cold.  Evening they with [[red underlined]] Dupourey, Fabry and Obetti [[/red underlined]] (Italian) had supper with me at [[red underlined]] University [[/red underlined]] Club, their [[red underlined]] french uniforms causing some curiosity -
July 12. Here all day, except at evening when I went to University Club.  Showers and cold weather  Nina is back from Omaha and Bess [[red underlined]] Middlebrook here. George [/[red underlined]]
[[end page]] 
[[start page]]
[[red underlined]] yesterday left for Washington [[strikethrough]] bt [[/strikethrough]] on my advice [[/red underlined]] to get acquainted with some of my friends at the Cosmos Club and [[red underlined]] in the aviation service. [[/red underlined]] I do not want he should pay this trip from his income so I emptied my whole pocketbook in his hand. [[red underlined]] I want him to have a real good time and hire a motor car and drive around the environs of Washington. This may be his last vacation. He seems very happy [[/red underlined]] since he has been accepted in aviation corps and [[red underlined]] was practicing on a wireless transmitter key so as to learn the Morse code. [[/red underlined]] Yesterday he told me he could already send 12 words a minute. [[red underlined]] He seems full of eagerness to do his very best in his new responsibilities.[[/red underlined]]
July 13. This morning Celine brought me a letter from [[red underlined]] George who seems to be very happy at the Cosmos [[/red underlined]] Club since he found some explorers

Transcription Notes:
My understanding is that the past tense of underline is used based upon instructions so I have changed the 'underline' to 'underlined'