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Reserve as "undesirable" because he took a "jumper" [[red underlined]] without asking [[/red underlined]] permission.  was court martialled for the $2.00 jumper!  [[red underlined]] put in prison [[/red underlined]] and finally [[red underlined]] discharged! from service. [[[/red underlined]]  Parents are frantic about this calamity. promised them to go and see [[strikethrough]] Adm [[/strikethrough]] Rear [[red underlined]] Admiral Usher. [[/red underlined]] - Boy is 18 years old - barely. and certainly did not realize gravity of offense, specially as he had still a credit of [[red underlined]] $20.00 for clothes: [[/red underlined]]  Evening went to University Club and met [[red underlined]] Grignard [[/red underlined]] and Engel invited them to take supper with me and [[strikethrough]] Paper [[/strikethrough]] Papin. [[red underlined]] Papin spoke french.  [[/red underlined]]  Afterward [[red underlined]] Cooper Hewitt [[/red underlined]] joined us.
July 17.  Drove to Navy Yard [[strikethrough]] abou [[/strikethrough]] to see about [[red underlined]] Dubois case. [[/red underlined]] met Commander [[red underlined]] C. R. Miller [[/red underlined]] but Rear [[red underlined]] Admiral Usher is [[/red underlined]] in Washington. communicated by telephone with him. [[red underlined]] only possibility is that permission be given to [[reenter?]] Commander Wilcox whom I met told me treatment of Dubois was unduly severe.  Whole Navy Yard is very [[/red underlined]]
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[[left margin cross over circle]]
crowded. Officers have barely standing room. Officers all huddled together [[strikethrough]] fo [[/strikethrough]] narrow desks put so close hardly room to pass. [[strikethrough]] Hardly [[/strikethrough]] No chairs available. [[red underlined]] Enlisted men crowding around [[/red underlined]] [[* indicates note in margin * and idle.]] Fine intelligent looking boys, all volunteers. Clean picturesque white duck suits.  Looks like busy beehive. new temporary buildings being put up in wood. other big buildings in reinforced concrete being erected.
[[note in left margin circle with a cross 2 hr.]]
[[strikethrough]] took the [[/strikethrough]] Went to [[red underlined]] Royal Bakery [[/red underlined]] Powder Laboratory.  A new fornite run just going on. Paulus tell me absorption is 100%. Seems confident they [[red underlined]] are over there trouble. [[/red underlined]]  Rate runs in converter cell [[goure?]] 51%. Peter suceeded in making [[red underlined]] lactid [[/red underlined]] directly from [[strikethrough]] lactic [[/strikethrough]] weak [[red underlined]] lactic acid. [[/red underlined]]  Made [[red underlined]] lactic acid [[/red underlined]] by fermentation from glucose. in [[strikethrough]] brome [[/strikethrough]] presence CaCOs. then evaporates this calcium lactate solution and decomposes with an amount of HcSO4 samely calculated. Then introduces in [[strikethrough]] vacum [[/strikethrough]] vaccum still, adds NaCl solid to [[denocuate?]] any hydrate of [[red underlined]] lactid acid. [[/red underlined]] distills in vacumm at lowest possible temperture, then gets lactoid which looks rather yellow and soft but purifies by washing with water and gets pure crystals. -- Afterwards went