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[[underline]] July 18. Motor trip Washington [[/underline]]

Left Yonkers alone with new Olds motor car, purchased last week. [[underline]] George [[/underline]] has left for Adirondacks Celine and Nina will follow him to day

Left home at about 11 A.M. some delay at Automobile Club, [[touring ?]] member registry to get maps, etc. Crossed to Staten Island. Lunch at Hugot's. left there at 2^00^ P.M. 45 minutes later at Totenville stopped long enough to [[underline]] walk around new building.[[/underline]] Fourth floor is being poured. Left at about 3^30^ P.M. First roads mediocre then become excellent. Sound was flat and straight over Lakewood Pine woods. and not encumbered by factories and general shanties. Pass Ford River, then a straight road over a swamp .. then Pleasantville. Excellent roads. Delayed twice by
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