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water of radiator gone engine heating up when keeping at speed of 40 miles. Splendid roads for fast driving . wide and straight and smooth. Stayed over night at Shelburne Hotel at [[underline]] Atlantic City. [[/underline]]
July 19. Pouring rain [[strikethrough ]] at about 4 [[/strikethrough]] and very sultry weather At about 4^15^ P.M. left for [[underline]] Wilmington.[[/underline]] Weather clears up. Used 12 gallons for 145 miles.  Marvelous straight gravel roads straight and level can run full speed. Few houses and few cars. But radiator overheats. Took wrong road at Buena Vista then had to go all back. Frequent changes of water. Road nearer Penns Grove very bad and pitted. lost way at dark finally got
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there in time take 9^00 P.M. Ferry to [[underline]] Wilmington [[/underline]] over Delaware. Crossing the river the [[underline]] Dupont Powder [[/underline]] works are pointed out to me. [[underline]] very busy making explosives.[[/underline]] Row of electric lights in distance.
Dupont Hotel excellent room top floor. big comfortable fan. Pleasant rest.
July 20. Left at about 9^15^ A.M. Have made thus far 231 miles with a total consumption of 25 gallons of gasoline. The last 86 miles between Atlantic City and Wilmington consumed 13 gallons.  Roads in Delaware are horrible. All pitted and badly kept. Just at [[underline]] Maryland [[/underline]] line the roads become excellent. More pleasant country. Large well kept farms. A few stretches of the road require detours on account of repairs. Excellent
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