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weather. Breakfast open air on platform near Lake then started off [[strikethrough]] for Montreal [[/strikethrough]] Car ran beautifully. Perfect roads again. At [[underlined in red]] Schroon Lake [[/underlined in red]] made a detour to Ticonderoga and after awhile struck poor road in the woods over mountain 
Took [[underlined in red]] lunch at Rogers Rock Hotel, [[/underlined in red]] then back. Pouring rain so stopped over night at Schroon Lake at Brown Swan Club House, a newly erected hotel run on Club plan. Everything spleck splinter new. [[strikethrough]] Chars [[/strikethrough]] Excellent little room with bath, all new and clean. Service excellent, clean simple food. Excellent rest. Charged only $5.00. 
Aug 15. Left in threatening weather. Roads thru Adirondacks
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perfect again. [[underlined in red]] In the heart of the woods, surrounded with mountains, occasionally a [[/underlined in red]] little rain, then clearing. [[underlined in red]] This is the joy! running along over good roads in beautiful scenery. - no definite plans, no body to consult as to when and where to stop. [[/underlined in red]] Stopped a few minutes at Elizabethtown which seems to be a center for golfers and fishermen, then thru beautiful [[underlined in red]] Keene Valley. [[/underlined in red]] now and then a Lake or a trout stream. Arrived at [[underlined in red]] Champlain Hotel Bluff Point [[/underlined in red]] about 1 P.M. Magnificent sight of [[underlined in red]] Lake Champlain. [[/underlined in red]] My old friend [[underlined in red]] Valcour Island [[/underlined in red]] seems familiar sight. Training camp finished yesterday so soldiers are few at hotel. After lunch sped away.