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[[underlined in red]] specially noticeable highlanders in kilts and bare knees. [[/underlined in red]] 
All these uniforms look very different from our american uniforms. Look rather british and [[underlined in red]] more intended for show, than for real service. [[/underlined in red]]
Aug 17. Left [[underlined in red]] Montreal [[/underlined in red]] about 10 A.M. rather sultry weather. First thru Sherbrooke St, then along Notre-Dame, following St. Lawrence. Soon in full country. Succession of small villages neat farmhouse with quaint roofs. 
[[Image:  drawing of house with curved eaves, no doors or windows]] Excellent road but winding. Landscape reminds very much of Flanders but fields are on a larger scale. Note corn and tobacco, also potatoes, buckwheat, rye, and wheat. Stopped at Berkshire for lunch in [[strikethrough]] the most [[/strikethrough]] a hotel. Several [[underlined in red]] french canadians, with their wives at lunch. [[/underlined in red]] Their
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[[underlined in red]] table manners are about as rudimentary as I have seen them in Belgium, [[/underlined in red]] Germany or France [[strikethrough]] in the [[/strikethrough]] ^[[any]] country people. [[strikethrough]] Appears [[/strikethrough]] One woman dressed in black silk and evidently the wife of a well to do farmer who came in a fo[[?]], [[underlined in red]] used her knife almost exclusively during the [[/underlined in red]] meal and scarcely used her fork. I notice a general clumsiness and at the same time some [[underlined in red]] excitability [[/underlined in red]] in most of them. They [[underlined in red]] all like to talk and gesticulate. [[/underlined in red]] Several centuries have not [[underlined in red]] changed the habits of these people. [[/underlined in red]] I notice that all buildings have doors and shutters closed so as to keep out the heat during the day, altho' it is not very warm to day judging by New York standards.
While taking my lunch there is a [[underlined in red]] violent rain and thunderstorm and roads [[/underlined in red]] have become slippery. Road is very deceptive on account of unusual sharp turns at unexpected