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which had been recommended. Sanatorium hotel where they exploit a patering little trickle of [[red underlined]] salt water, which [[/red underlined]] they call "Eau minérale" and thru [[red underlined]] most abashedly exaggerated [[/red underlined] advertising try to raise to the dignity of a [[strikethrough] real [[/strikethrough]] mineral [[red underlined]] water of great [[/red underline]] curative properties. The little hotel is run about the way a similar little place would be run in [[red underlined]] France, Switzerland or Belgium, rather [[strikethrough]] tau [[/strikethrough]] tawdry [[/red underlined]] but constantly in accord with the tastes of the people here who are not used to much modern comfort or luxury. [[red underlined]] Trois-Rivières [[/red underlined]] was burned down some ten years ago. This accounts for the general modern and new appearance of the
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city. There are a number of old buildings left - those built of stone which give that part of the city an appearance very much similar to prosperous small towns in France or Flanders
Like everywhere else ^[[in Quebec]] [[red underlined]] Roman Catholic Institutions predominate [[/red underlined]] in importance. [[red underlined]] Nuns and [[strikethrough]] Pries [[/strikethrough]] Priest [[/red underlined]] everywhere. [[red underlined]] Crosses and shrines [[/red underlined]] along the road between Montreal and Quebec remind me of similar shrines in Flanders and also of Japan.
Aug 18. Left at about 9:30 A.M. Road along [[red underlined]] St Lawrence [[/red underlined]] which reminds me my yachting [[red underlined]] trip of 1901 with the Wavelet. [[/red underlined]]
Almost a continuation of houses along the whole road. The houses being placed in an almost continuous row each house standing on a long