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but narrow strip of farmland which reaches unto the River. Further up after passing [[red underlined]] Grondines, [[/red underlined]] the road climbs and gives excellent view of the river. Near [[red underlined]] Deschambault [[/red underlined]] I see the rocks and light houses which mark the [[red underlined]] Richelieu Rapids that treacherous channel in the St. Lawrence where I passed an awkward [[/red underlined]] half hour [[strikethrough]] about [[/strikethrough]] just [[red underline]] 16 years ago. [[/red underlined]] While passing on a Ferry over the Batiscan River I notice that one of the men who pulls the wooden flat boat has [[red underlined]] leather boots with moccasin shaped feet. Des "bottes de sauvage" [[red underlined]] as that shoemaker in Quebec called them 16 years ago.
Later on crossed turbulent River over a high bridge
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This is [[red underlined]] Jacques Cartier River. [[/red underlined]] The water is brown and foams and rushes along in a curve. Near by there is a pulp-mill and a waterpower plant.
This place is called [[red underlined]] Donnacona [[/red underlined]] Approaching [[red underline]] Quebec [[/red underlined]] [[strikethrough]] road [[/strikethrough]]
^[[landscape]] becomes more wooded - pine trees etc. then road becomes putty and speed has to be reduced.
Finally arrived old city of [[red underlined]] Quebec. [[/red underlined]] I note great improvement in roads. Good asphalt. Old streets look familiar, like a town in Flanders then up the hill, winding my way arrived at [[red underlined]] Chateau Frontenac [[/red underlined]] in time for lunch 1:15 P.M. Got [[red underlined]] excellent room [[/red underlined]] this time. Many more soldiers around hotel than in Montreal. Seem all to be idling. Camp Val Cartier near by. [[strikethrough]] Sur [[/strikethrough]] [[red underlined]] Mostly Highland [[/red underlined]]