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[[red underlined]] guards in multicolored kilts [[/red underlined]] and straight feather in [[red underlined]] their Tam-o-shanter [[/red underlined]] add picturesqueness [[strikethrough]] to the surro [[/strikethrough]] Then [[?visit]] [[strikethrough]] every [[/strikethrough]] ever lovely Dufferin-Terrace states a note of loveliness
After supper fell asleep all dressed.
Aug 19 1917 (Sunday). Beautiful sunny day. Long stroll thru town. Church bells clanging everywhere. [[red underlined]] Quebec [[/red underlined]] has much improved since 19 years in her streets. Excellent pavement now. Still some streets lower town [[strikethrough]] of a [[/strikethrough]] made of planks. Quite a number of planked sidewalks. Evening town turns out at [[red underlined]] Dufferin Terrace [[/red underlined]] for a walk
Aug 20. Heavy rain this morning
Wired to [[red underlined]] Celine [[red underlined]] to know if she will join me. Evening while listening to concert on terrace was accosted by [[red underlined]] Dr. McIntyre [[/red underlined]]
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[[red underline]] explosive expert who [[/red underlined]] invited me to see arsenal and munitions manufacture to morrow.
Aug 21. His friend Rev. Thompson a sallow serious looking presbyterian minister called at hotel at 10 A.M. and I drove with him to [[red underlined]] Dominion arsenal [[/red underlined]] installed in old [[red underlined]] French Fortress [[/red underlined]] the [[strikethrough]] old city that [[/strikethrough]] thick old City walls, and old gun loopholes, making the windows. They make [[red underlined]] shells and cartridges from rifle size to cannon size also shrapnel, [[/red underlined]] starting from the raw metals, copper, brass, nickel, lead and steel, which are cast and rolled and stamped into shells. [[red underlined]] Installation is rather simple and not large [[/red underlined]] but gives good idea of whole process Colonel F. D. [[red underlined]] Lafferty [[/red underlined]] is chief here and accompanied us around