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by punctured tire. Then merrily along fine roads parallel to St Lawrence. At Louiseville stopped half hour for lunch while [[strikethrough]] new [[/strikethrough]] inner tube was being replaced. 
[[vertical annotation in left margin]]
On the road met an automobile truck loaded with [[black underline]] new [[/black underline]] [[red underline]] spinwheels [[/red underline]] of old design; I suppose people here still spin flax in the country.[[/vertical annotation]]  
Arrived in [[red underline]] Montreal (Ritz Carlton Hotel) [[/red underline]] about 6 P.M
Went to Theatre to see "Bird of Paradise." Very very tired sank to bed.
Aug 26. (Sunday) Weather bright and sunny but cold. Will rest here a day. [[red underline]] Increasingly bad news from Riga which is on the point of being taken by the Huns. [[/red underline]] 
[[strikethrough]] Aug 17. Left Ritz Carlton about 
9 A.M [[/strikethrough]] Somebody told me that here in [[red underline]] French Canada the trouble is not so much with the Canadian priests but with the priests of foreign nationalities, portuguese, french, belgian, polish and Austrian and Italian [[/red underline]]
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also the [[red underline]] Irish priests who maintain systematic hostility against the English [[/red underline]] and this explains attitude of [[red underline]] French Canada against conscription. [[/red underline]]
Everywhere convents and nunneries and monasteries. This together with the [[strikethrough]] pret [[/strikethrough]] Roman catholic churches are everywhere in evidence as the most pretentious buildings.
[[red underline]] Curtailing [[/red underline]] of the consumption of liquors [[red underline]] beer and wines [[/red underline]] has been introduced since May.
[[strikethrough]] Nothing [[/strikethrough]] No alcoholic beverages sold anywhere in Quebec after 
9 P.M to 9 A.M. on Saturdays not after 7 P.M. None at all on Sundays. In restaurants and clubs two meatless days a week, and every day only one meal