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for breakfeast. Afternoon went to Yonkers. [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] had wired will only be back tomorrow morning. Returned to N.Y to take midnight train for [[red underline]] Boston Chemical Society meeting [[/red underline]]
Sept 10. Decidedly cold. Went to [[red underline]] Copley Plaza Hotel [[/red underline]] thence to meeting of chemical section of [[red underline]] National Research Council [[/red underline]] at Engineers Club. report of chairman informal. [[strikethrough]] nine? [[/strikethrough]] Lunch with [[red underline]] Little at [[/red underline]] Union Club. Afternoon presented formally by letter to Stieglitz to elect [[red underline]] Grignard [[/red underline]] honorary member of [[red underline]] American Chemical [[/red underline]] Society - was elected unanimously. [[red underline]] Prof. Theod. Richards came to thank me for the suggestion. [[/red underline]] 
Evening went to St. Botolph Club. 
[[left margin note]] At St. [[red underline]] Botolph Club [[/red underline]] met [[strikethrough]] Dr. [[/strikethrough]] Dr. [[red underline]] McGalbrath, [[/red underline]] a physician, he was eating raw steak, and towards midnight went away, said he had to go to an [[red underline]] execution [[/red underline]] - came back shortly afterwards [[/left margin note]]
Sept 11. General meeting [[strikethrough]] were [[/strikethrough]] at Institute Technology. I saw the boys of the
[[red pencil, in left margin]] MIT [[/red pencil left margin]] 
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[[red underline]] [[Aviation?]] Corps [[/red underline] in uniform who are studying here. I think of [[red underline]] George. [[/red underline]] who wears same uniform, [[red underline]] splendid manly set of boys all of them. The very pick of our youth.  [[strikethrough]] Too [[/strikethrough]] Makes my blood boil to think that they are to be the sacrifices the world shall have to give for crushing Hohenzollerns. [[/red underline]]
Sept 12. At noon [[red underline]] President McLaurin of Institute Technology [[/red underline]] invited me to lunch at Union Club, sat next to [[red underline]] Fred. Fish. Elihu Thompson and Richards [[/red underline]] there also. Afterwards [[red underline]] Elihu  Thompson [[/red underline]] took me to his laboratory at Lynn shows me his work casting [[red underline]] tungsten [[/red underline]] in molds of [[red underline]] Boron nitride. [[/red underline]] Called his attention to fact that [[red underline]] Boron-nitride treated with steam will probably give ammonia and 

Transcription Notes:
French chemist Fran?is Grignard was awarded the 1912 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.