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[[red underline]] might be made the base of a nitrogen fixation process.[[/red underline]]
Is trying to [[red underline]] solve arc process by liquifying then solidifying NO2 or N2O4, thus dispensing with rareified contents of NO2 in oxidation of NH3 in direct union of N and O in arc process.[[/red underline]]
[[red pencil, vertically along left margin]] Suggested to him to dissolve N2O4 in strong HNO3 and try to oxidize this solution 
Also to mix N2O4 with liquified Cl for gas-bombs 
Also to try to use his N2O4 in conjunction with CS2 as an explosive. General Electric Co [[red underline]] is building him a new laboratory. [[/red underline]] Same gentle, pleasant man as ever. Lovely character. 
[[/red pencil left margin]]
Evening went to St. Botolph Club there met Fulton
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Blake, [[Macy?]], Cabot and [[red underline]] Madden.[[/red underline]] Latter told me his experience at [[red underline]] Petrograd [[/red underline]] where he left the very [[red underline]] day revolution [[/red underline]] was beginning. He and his wife went over trans-siberian over [[red underline]] Japan because [[strikethrough]] submarine was [[/strikethrough]] [[increased?]] submarine warfare [[/red underline]] of Germany had just begun. Many days before Russian officers of the Navy had been lifting their glass to him and his wife at private dinners [[strikethrough]] too [[/strikethrough]] with the toast [[red underline]] "Here is to the new Republic" [[/red underline]] and similar [[red underline]] insinuation.[[/red underline]] Then he had heard frequent reference to [[red underline]] "She" [[/red underline]] meaning the [[red underline]] Czarina [[/red underline]] on whom all the blame of treason was laid. The [[red underline]] Czar [[/red underline]] being the ingnorant [[red underline]] dupe [[/red underline]] of the schemes of [[red underline]] his German wife who mastered him. [[/red underline]] When coming home found a letter from Dean