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useful war effect.
we all drove back [[red underline]] to our meeting [[/red underline]], lunch being served while we were in session.
Evening [[red underline]] Horta [[/red underline]] came to Cosmos Club to take me to his house for supper. He has rented furnished apartment very well equipped and very comfortable in the "Highlands."
Captain [[red underline]] Cappart [[/red underline]] there in uniform and his medals also [[red underline]] Baron de Cartier de [[strikethrough]][[Jemnappes]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Marchienne]] Minister of Belgium [[/red underline]] to the United States. Very animated evening, where [[strikethrough]] politics [[/strikethrough]] war politics were discussed as well as reminiscences of [[red underline]] Belgian student life.  Cappart had Horta [[/red underline]] as his professor at Brussels University.  [[red underline]] Mrs. Horta [[/red underline]] took two cocktails and then started to tell de Cartier [[red underline]] that one [[/red underline]]
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[[red underline]] day she had told to [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] a Swedish Ambassador that all Ambassadors she had known were idiots.  
[[two red exclamation points in left margin]] 
Left with 12:40 P.M train for New York.
Sept 23 (Sunday) Breakfast at University Club. Magnificent weather.  [[red underline]] Celine and Nina [[/red underline]] still away.  At noon took [[red underline]] Miss Anthony [[/red underline]] for a drive along Sound.  Went to call for her but stayed down.  Poor little thing seems very happy.  Noticed with great pleasure same simplicity and good taste of her inexpensive dress.  Her conversation is sincere and frank, and she makes the impression of being a perfectly honest girl.  Told her if she had any troubles or needed advice she should apply to [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] who can better understand her than anybody else, and will act as a mother to her.  Took simple lunch at Chateau Laurier after