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I had ascertained that there was no dancing nor music and that there was a respectable looking set of people around.  Drove near Greenwich then brought her back [[strikethrough]] home [[/strikethrough] to her home before supper but remained outside.  Then went to University Club to get my valise and drove home.
A very pleasant beautiful day.
Sept 24. Cold weather.  [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] still away.  Busy day dictating letters.  [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] & Nina arrived after I was asleep.
Sept 25.  At 2 P.M went to [[red underline]] chemical Exposition. Bogert [[/red underline]] holding [[strikethrough]] meet [[/strikethrough]] one of his meetings of [[red underline]] Research Council only about seven present. [[/red underline]]
Before had met [[red underline]] Campbell [[/red underline]] who came to talk about concession to Plastics Limited
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[[image of circle with cross above in top left margin]]
Told him that I considered that officially we had severed all connections with ^[[Canadian]] [[red underline]] Plastics [[/red underline]]. But that in the future we might contemplate founding a branch of [[red underline]] Bakelite in Canada [[/red underline]] but would run it as a new concern [[strikethrough]] for the [[/strikethrough]] but we would try to avail ourselves of their help and try to utilize their experience and past work as well as their men and show every possible friendliness in doing so.  Just now times to embark on [[red underline]] such an enterprise are [[/red underline]] not propitious.
[[symbol in left margin of circle with cross above and notation 2 hs]]
Went to see [[red underline]] Porter [[/red underline]] and Gary at their request.  They tell me would be willing to make arrangement with [[red underline]] Dupont Co to give them all their patents good will and experience relative to oxalic and Vaygouny [[/red underline]] processes provided [[red underline]] Dupont pays [[/red underline]] them back money expended

Transcription Notes:
Mooshegh Vaygouny was an assignor to the Royal Baking Powder Co.